About IHE

Meet Mike Hansen, IHE President

Mike Hansen first joined IHE back in 2008. At that time, it was a one-man operation which has grown into three training sites, across two provinces with nearly 30 staff and close to 50 pieces of equipment. Today, IHE is recognized as Canada’s leading heavy equipment operator training institution.   

Growing up in Grande Prairie, AB work ethic was instilled in the company of a hard working community. Hard work was second nature. Rounding out his teenage years, Mike became one of the youngest drillers in the Alberta oil patch.  

He is both a visionary and a calculated risk taker, thriving on challenges and known for his out-of-the-box thinking.   

With a complete 360 degree watch on the heavy equipment industry, he continually analyzes the economy and translates the numbers into future plans for training.  With financial stewardship and careful management of resources, he gives IHE a competitive edge and stable leadership making IHE a leading program for training to employment.   

Mike Hansen is holder of a Professional Instructor designation. Graduates with this certification undergo online training and learning to gain the necessary knowledge and skills needed to design, develop, manage, and evaluate the instruction of adults in post-secondary, business, industry, and non-traditional learning environments. 

Not only is he a business leader but we at IHE recognize him as a valued team leader and mentor that enables the front-line staff to positively impact people’s lives, and often change generational destinies of complete strangers. Together, IHE continue strives to provide a labour force of safe, ready-to-work, entry-level as well as experienced heavy equipment operators since 2005. 

From all of us at IHE, we thank you and honour this 12 year milestone. 



Want to see how it all works first hand? We offer FREE site tours to our Edmonton, Innisfail, and Lake Country Sites!